Landscaping architecture on Costa del Sol

This is what we can create exclusively for you

Landscape and terrace design involves organizing and enhancing outdoor spaces for both aesthetic appeal and practical functionality. At Dream Garden, we emphasize unity and balance as fundamental principles. Unity is achieved through cohesive design elements like mass planting or repetition, while balance ensures harmonious comparisons between different landscape features.
We avoid abrupt transitions in our designs by carefully manipulating elements such as color, scale, line, shape, and texture, ensuring a seamless flow throughout the landscape.
Many individuals have expansive garden spaces but lack the expertise to transform them effectively. At Dream Garden, we specialize in making these dreams a reality.

Garden Design and Landscaping Projects

Explore the exciting garden design and landscaping projects at Dream Garden. Our team of exterior designers and landscape architects transforms outdoor spaces with creativity and precision. From pool design and outdoor structures to lawn care and tree planting, each project is executed with attention to detail and a commitment to excellence. Dive into our diverse portfolio featuring cascades, barbecues, terraces, pergolas, ponds, fountains, and streams designed to complement and enhance any outdoor environment.

Perfect landscaping with garden maintenance and expert lawn care

Achieve impeccable landscaping with our comprehensive garden maintenance and expert lawn care services at Dream Garden. Our skilled team ensures your outdoor spaces remain pristine and vibrant, from meticulous lawn upkeep to nurturing ponds, fountains, streams, and cascades. Experience the soothing sound of falling water, which enhances relaxation and connects you with nature's tranquility. Transform your garden into a magical oasis where you can enjoy daily visits from delightful birds seeking their nourishment.   

Add tranquility with mesmerizing water features in your landscape

Enhance your landscape with tranquil water features that captivate the senses. At Dream Garden, we understand the essential role of swimming pools in garden design. Our diverse range of styles and bespoke designs ensures seamless integration into your outdoor space, harmonizing effortlessly with the overall landscape and terrace design.
Why is a pool a must-have? Beyond adding value to your property, it fosters social interactions and delights children. Whether for relaxation or exercise, the presence of water enhances our connection with nature, enhancing both garden and landscape design.

Top-tier Landscaping Solutions on the Costa del Sol

Discover top-tier landscaping solutions offered on the Costa del Sol. At Dream Garden, we are committed to transforming your outdoor space with creativity, precision, and exceptional service. From garden design to expert maintenance, we ensure results that exceed your expectations. Trust our team to create an outdoor environment that reflects your style and provides a unique experience of beauty and functionality.  

Swimming Pools

An indispensable element in a garden.

The range of styles and above all the individual designs make the difference. The original designs allow us to integrate them completely into the garden as part of the landscape and not as contrasting components.

Pergolas, terraces and Barbecues...

It’s the ideal place to enjoy a pleasant evening or a glass of good Spanish wine.

Ponds, Fountains, Streams and Cascades

At least one element of this kind is indispensable given that water is life.

In effect this type of element attracts different species of birds whose song combined with the soft and relaxing sound of the water offer us a sense of unrivalled well being.

Pergolas, Terraces and Barbecues

The location for this paramount structure is decisive.

From here, you need to be able to view the whole splendour and exuberance of the garden and landscape as if through a wide angle lens.

Our vanguard designs can be of wood, building material or a blend of materials to produce authentic masterpieces.

With regard to roofs, these can be of Arabic tiles, wooden slats, canvas, glass, bamboo, brezo (heather), or other materials affording the spectator a tropical appearance.

They can also be covered by climbers such as wisteria for an added mystical effect.

Automatic irrigation.

At Dream Garden we are aware of the scarcity of fresh water
suffered by our planet and accordingly consider it our duty to promote
responsible water usage. For this reason, before installing a particular type of watering system,
we undertake a study of the physical aspects of the terrain
in order to find the most suitable system, thus achieving rational
water consumption, which will in turn be reflected in the clients water bill.